15 May 2014

...family times in Tasmania

Yep, still one post left to go in recounting our Tasmania adventures at Christmas.   This post though is not so much about the places we visited, but more about the stuff of family and the crazy, fun times we had.

So let's start on Christmas Day - with loads of selfies!!


The tesselated pavement found on a beach somewhere along the east coast was one of the stops we made driving up to Launceston.  

Then further up the coast we stopped at another random beach for a walk and a bit of fresh air, a bit of rock hopping and jumping off sand dunes

Then arriving at Coles Bay it was time for lunch at this cute little restaurant/coffee shop which I can't even remember the name of.   We did have a room to ourselves though

As much as we would have liked to walk right down to Wineglass Bay, time constraint meant we went just to the lookout.  Jayesh and Charlotte tried their hand at a bit of speilunking while Kanti saved the day preventing a boulder from blocking the path (hehe!!)

Fast forward a bit to the Cradle Mountain area.  After stopping to admire the fields upon fields of poppies (and their associated warning signs plastered over the fences), we had a great walk around Dove Lake.  

Then there were stretching exercises whilst waiting for the bus to take us back to our vehicles..

We arrived towards the end of the day at a town called Sheffield....trying to find somewhere to stay for the night but with no avail, so decided that an ice-cream was in order.  Sat outside the cafe in the hopes of using the free wi-fi although the shops had closed for the day.

We ended up staying at a B&B in the town of Deloraine and then left the boys and Charissa behind  for a sunset ticky-tour - man it was cold!!

Travelling over the Great Western Tiers back towards Hobart, the wind was biting cold.

So much so, that when we stopped one of the lakes on the way down, Jayesh was the only one who ventured out of the car (well I did too!)

The signpost said Steppes Sculptures....so this called for another pitstop.   Sort of a miniature stonehenge with bronze sculptures attached each one.  The urge to climb these rocks proved too irresistable!

 Climbing for some is easier than for others....

Climbing down for some is easier then for others...

Back in Hobart for the Food and Wine Festival - yum!

so that's it...there isn't any more

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